Relationship are central to our lives. From family to friends to coworkers to the cashier at the grocery store, relationships give us purpose, provide opportunities to love, offer us shoulders to cry on, and listening ears when we need to talk. Our faith is built on a relationship, the relationship that we have with our Creator, Provider, and Savior. Everything we do, all that we are, goes back to this one relationship.
Here at First CRC we seek to extend and grow that relationship, whether it be in Bible studies, worship on Sunday, serving in the nursery, providing lunches at the food pantry, or shoveling our neighbors’ sidewalk. As Jesus taught, it all boils down to loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and loving our neighbor as ourselves. And we make all of our relationships stronger and healthier by joining together.
Life Groups - Through Bible Study, fellowship, and service, these multigenerational groups literally help members “do life together.” This is a core component of how we can fulfill our mission together!
Youth Group - Our high school kids meet bi-weekly to study, laugh, serve, and grow on their journey of faith.
SWaT - (Serving, Witnessing, and Teamwork) offers middle school students a place to develop and grow their faith. Emphasis is placed on their spiritual growth through Bible student and by serving others.
GEMS - Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior provides girls in grades 3-8 an opportunity to be mentored in faith, life, and worship. Meeting bi-weekly on Wednesdays, it is a powerful way to help them meet Jesus and commit to Him for life.
Cadets - The Cadet program helps grow boys in grades 3-8 in their relationship with Christ. Counselors guide kids through Bible Study, merit badges, and activities to help them see God in all the world around them.
Sunday School & Catechism - Weekly classes run from September through May after our morning services. Teachers guide lessons in knowledge of the Bible and the foundations of Reformed doctrine.
Friendship Ministries - Specifically targeting people with intellectual and physical disabilities, this ministry extends beyond just First CRC to all denominations in the area.
Women’s Bible Study - With daytime and evening opportunities, Women’s Bible Study provides opportunity for deepening understanding and conversation over Scripture and faith life.
Men’s Bible Study - Gathering bi-weekly, this topic-focused study group gives guys time together to discuss, dig deep, and grow as spiritual leaders in the home, workplace, church, and beyond.