Welcome to First CRC! Whether you're just wondering about the Christian faith or desiring to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ, we'd love for you to be our guest at one of our worship services.
Sunday Service TimesMorning Worship Service: Sunday School & Catechism: | Our Location20 Bly Street |
The gospel changes everything. We believe this wholeheartedly and hope you’ll experience it with us during your visit. Worship with us, pray with us, fellowship with us, serve with us, and rediscover with us the welcome of the gospel.
You will be greeted the moment you enter the church building. Please introduce yourself as a new guest so we can help make your experience a positive one. There will be a time of fellowship and coffee 30 minutes prior to our morning worship service and immediately after that service. We would love to get to know you better during one of these times. If you have young children, they are welcome to attend our Sunday school classes after the morning worship service.
Child Care
We would love to care for your infants and toddlers while you worship with us during the morning service. Please just ask the greeter where our nursery is found.
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact the church office via phone (920-324-2898) or email (waupuncrc@gmail.com).